Black Shadows, Falling Stars
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Twelve years ago, the Shadow Keeper took over. Some still fight, but most have given up hope. Before the Star Keeper was murdered, she told of a time that things would be fixed. That time is know, but the question is which side are you on?
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 The Dungeon

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3 posters


Posts : 19
Join date : 2011-03-04
Age : 34

The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: The Dungeon   The Dungeon EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 4:41 am

Though my darkest hour.....
The Dungeon Guy-1-1
Zeran Former Rebel Militant

A cold drop of water smacked Zeran in the face as he lay cold and starving on the dungeon wall. His wrists numb and bleeding in the metal restraints bolted to the wall. His legs, littered with scars from the various vermin that wonder the dark depths. His tattered and torn excuse for clothing barely clung to his skin.

He opens one eye weakly, "Uhhgh".

The high-pitch squeak sound of metal hinges and deep cobblestone sound of old stairs could be heard off in the distance. The rats scattered at the sound of the footsteps and Zeran felt a deep chill run down his spine. He rested his head against the cold walk as a small amount of blood dripped from his mouth....

....I will return to you.

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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

Posts : 54
Join date : 2011-03-03
Age : 33

The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dungeon   The Dungeon EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 5:42 am

The crimson liquid that grants life...
The Dungeon 204931-1
Akira Toture Expert and Spy
Akira hummed to her self as her black heels clacked on the stone steps as she headed down into the dungeons. She had been informed about the new prisoners, and she wanted to see them for herself. Her nose scrunched in disgust as she reached the main level of the dungeons. She hated the unclean conditions of the dungeons, but what was the point of keeping it clean since only the prisoners stayed here. She flicked her long hair back over her shoulder before heading down one of the halls. Her dark violet red eyes glinting in the semi-darkness. She paused when she reached one of the newly occupied cells. She just stood there, watching the man carefully. Her mind quickly stored important information as she took in the prisioner.
Looks so beautiful dripping down pale skin.
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Posts : 19
Join date : 2011-03-04
Age : 34

The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dungeon   The Dungeon EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 6:03 am

Though my darkest hour.....
The Dungeon Guy-1-1
Zeran Former Rebel Militant

Zeran weakly turned his head and looked up at the woman outside his cell. He grit his teeth and spat a bloody wad at her feet before letting gravity pull his head back down into place.

"Heh, The women under the shadow rule get uglier evertim-- *Cough*--urm, i see um....."

He smiled weakly for that was the only way he could fight back at the moment.

....I will return to you.

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Phaos Caelestis

Phaos Caelestis

Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-03-09

The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dungeon   The Dungeon EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 6:29 am

The Dungeon 128-2-1

Screams broke the semi-silence that had fallen over one of the prisoner's cell, an ugly man who was suspected of being part of the rebellion. And yet, in the moments of his pain, the ogre of a man was beautiful. Or, at least Phaos believed so. He was crouched on the ground over the man, forcing the prisoner's face into the cement floor, laughing softly as the middle-aged male struggled futilely. Blood caked the floor from where Phaos had broken the poor man's nose, and the several gashes that ran along the man's chest. "So beautiful," he cooed in the man's ear. "In death, you'll be as pretty as an angel." The man writhed with fear, and Phaos merely continued to hold his face to the ground.

That was when he heard footsteps. "Too bad," he said softly. "I guess our fun will be cut short. But don't worry, I won't let anyone else touch you but me."

"You sick bastard!" the man groaned, slowly looking up at Phaos.

Phaos just smiled down at him, and then stood, walking out of the cell and locking the gate behind him.
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

Posts : 54
Join date : 2011-03-03
Age : 33

The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dungeon   The Dungeon EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 6:37 am

The crimson liquid that grants life...
The Dungeon 204931-1
Akira Toture Expert and Spy
Akira sneered at the man before looking down the hall, faintly hearing screams. It seemed someone else was down there. The blood user had a feeling that she knew who it was, which meant things would get very interesting. She purred in pleasure before looking back at the prisioner. She opened the door before stalking in, leaving the door open. Her heels clacked on the stone floor before she paused in front of the man. A soft smirk appeared before she trailed a darkly painted nail down his cheek. She leaned in and purred, "You're a fiesty one, which means you're going to be a lot of fun to play with."

She pulled away, her smirk growing on her face. Her finger trailed further down before she pressed her nail into his skin. She used enough pressure that she could draw blood.
Looks so beautiful dripping down pale skin.
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Posts : 19
Join date : 2011-03-04
Age : 34

The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dungeon   The Dungeon EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 6:59 am

Though my darkest hour.....
The Dungeon Guy-1-1
Zeran Former Rebel Militant

Zeran pulled away quickly and then snapped back almost biting her finger

"---You BITCH! If i wasn't tied down you wouldn't be so smug! You Shadow Scum are all the same, beating on the weak!

Zeran pulled his head so the he was as close to hear as possible.

"Let me let you in on something" He gave a cocky smile "A beaten dog may fear you, but as soon as u turn you back...HE'LL STIKE!!!"

....I will return to you.

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Phaos Caelestis

Phaos Caelestis

Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-03-09

The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dungeon   The Dungeon EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 10:06 pm

Phaos slowly raised his bloodied fingers to his mouth, licking the warm scarlet off. It was . . . ecstatic. Though it tasted like copper and tears, it beheld a sort of delicious warmth. He longed to be covered in that warmth, to feel hot entrails cling to his flesh, to bathe himself in the blood of his enemies. How wonderful.

Walking over to where he heard two talk, he stopped in front of the cell door and smiled at the young torture expert inside. "Having fun?" he murmured. "You wouldn't mind if I joined in, would you?"
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

Posts : 54
Join date : 2011-03-03
Age : 33

The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dungeon   The Dungeon EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 10:24 pm

The crimson liquid that grants life...
The Dungeon 204931-1
Akira Toture Expert and Spy
Akira jerked her hand away and backhanded him, hard. Her eyes flashed to a light purple before going back to normal and narrowing. She leaned in and purred, darkly, "I would love to see you try, pretty boy. But then again, I doubt you'll be so spirited later."

Kira's eyes brightened when she heard the familiar voice of one of the generals, the one that liked to play just as much as she did if not more. She turned on her heel, her hair flying out behind her. A dark smile took over her features as she took a step forward and throwing her arms out, stating, "Please, it would be a pleasure to have you join in on the fun, General Caelestis."
Looks so beautiful dripping down pale skin.
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Posts : 19
Join date : 2011-03-04
Age : 34

The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dungeon   The Dungeon EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 3:52 am

Though my darkest hour.....
The Dungeon Guy-1-1
Zeran Former Rebel Militant

Zeran looked up with a smug look "You two wouldn't be so tough if u didn't pick on man tied to the wall. "useless Dogs..."

....I will return to you.

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The Dungeon Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dungeon   The Dungeon Empty

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The Dungeon
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