Black Shadows, Falling Stars
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Twelve years ago, the Shadow Keeper took over. Some still fight, but most have given up hope. Before the Star Keeper was murdered, she told of a time that things would be fixed. That time is know, but the question is which side are you on?
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 Kuro's Home And Aera City

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Vampire Duzell Kitty
Vampire Duzell Kitty

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Location : Woodstock, GA USA

Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyMon Mar 21, 2011 9:26 pm

Kuro's Home And Aera City 3-2
Kuro Toshiba- Cousin to the Heir of Wind

Kuro walked out of his home closing the door behind him as the wind whispered to him. It told him of people in town as though it was a teacher teaching a young child whom knew nothing. He heard his supposed mother call out to him to come back before dark. She was worried, then again whom could blame her after what had happened long ago? Sighing he walked towards town. His father was sick with an incurable illness. Because of that he had been force to find work in town to help support his family. His mother worked at home and so was unable to maintain a job with the things she needed to do around their home. Kuro had found two jobs he did on different days. One day he would work at a café in town and then on the nest day he would work at the bakery. It was enough to support three though it was difficult on his mother to have to see him go through things kids never should have to go through. He had always heard voices, his mother had told him it was normal. Though, he knew differently. The whispered words were the wind speaking and talking to only him. At times the wind went from teacher to a dark voice that echoed in his head like a hurricane of bees swarming to temp him to the darkness again. The wind often had fights and he ignored it sometimes, but other times it was a different story. He was listening today,but yet there was nothing new he need to know as of yet. Though he hoped that nothing ill befell the day. He had no idea how close his thoughts would be, to that thought.

Kuro continued his trek towards the town, having told his mother that he was going shopping for things for the house. He was also out and about because of a special reason. He had found a broken sword in the attic one day. It was as though he could feel the pain the sword was going through. It has whispered its name to it, having called itself Sorithia. He had promised to help it and over time he called it the sword of the wind. Since, it whispered to him like the wind did, but with a motherly tone to it then as a teacher. He had taken the sword to the smith in town asking if he could fix the sword. The answer he got in reply was pleasing to him. The black smith had told him it would take time since it had a pattern on the blade that needed tending as well so he could weld it back to its perfect form once again. What Kuro didn’t know was the sword was useless without the pattern being whole, and it was useless unless a wielder of wind wielded it. What he didn’t know was of his lineage and whom he was, let alone how important his life truly was even if he deemed it unworthy. He looked to the north as the wind blew.

”Looks like a storm is brewing,” he stated softly.

He walked to the square in town noting that there were street performers today. It was usual to find them every once in a while due to the money in the town being tight. People were looking for anything they could to get even a coin out of people. Most of them were talented and very unique, but others weren’t as lucky and were forced into the streets. He knew how they felt, for he’s in the same predicament. Without the income he’s getting for his father, mother and himself, they would be on the streets like everyone else. His struggle wouldn’t last long though. Eventually his father will perish like the doctors foretold and his mother will be the only one left. Though he suspected his mother was ill too. She often forgot things at times, and became violent and hateful. Kuro bared with it and often went to the roof to be alone when she got that way. His father couldn’t help him, and the odd thing was his mother remembered his father. Probably because they’d been together for so long that she would always recognize him. But Kuro was someone she would forget in this sudden onslaught of fits. Kuro shoved the memories aside as he came up to the black smith’s workshop. He walked in and looked to him before placing on a fake smile of happiness.

”I’m here to pick my sword up if you’ve finished it. I stayed away for a week so I assumed that was enough,” His silver-blue eyes looking to said black smith in hopes of him being finished with fixing the sword.

Last edited by Vampire Duzell Kitty on Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

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Age : 33

Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 1:03 am

Even in the darkest of times....
Reiya hummed as she went about her business in the blacksmith shop. She hed been working there for a while now, and the old man had let her work on her own little projects besides helping with some of the metal work also. She was just finishing up sharping her own blade when she heard from her place in the back room someone enter the shop. She slipped Flare back into its sheath before placing it next to Fira, which was unsheathed. She still had to mend a chip in that blade before she was through, but she decided to take a slight break. Using the back of her hand to brush the loose strands of red hair back behind her ear before picking up some of the finished work that owners should be picking up today. She then headed out into the main shop. She tilted her head to the side when she saw the young man in the shop before moving to put the weapons down on the table in the room, half-listening to the old man reply to the young man, "You're the young man that brought in the sword with the strange pattern on it, correct?"

That caught the woman's attention, the only sword that had a strange pattern on it was the one that had been brought in a week ago. The old man had been working on the blade non-stop since he had gotten it. He had also kept cursing at the pattern because of how complicated it was, but it had finished about a day ago. The sword was in the back where it had been left after the old man had her clean and shine it. Reiya had thought the blade was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, but she decided against speaking up and continued to lay out the weapons she had brought with her before starting on cleaning up some of the mess in the shop. She barely bit back a sigh and muttered to herself, "Is it so hard to clean up after finishing a job?"

The old man had a bad habit of just leaving his mess after he was finished with a blade wherever it had landed, but ever since Reiya had begun working for him, she had done her best to keep the shop at least clean enough that they could find what they needed to unlike before. It still annoyed her to no end, and she had even tried getting the old man to clean up after himself, but it was to no success. All he had done was stare at her before replying, 'That's what you're here for, brat.' The red head shook her head in fond amusement as she continued on with her chores, knowing that if the old man needed her, he would speak up.
A small flame of hope always burns.
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Vampire Duzell Kitty
Vampire Duzell Kitty

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 10:02 pm

He cleared his throat before speaking, "Yes, I am. My name is Kuro Toshiba," He said politely as he waited to see what the black smith would say next, or rather do next.

His voice sounded like a soothing breeze mixed with the sound of a bell mixed with it. It wasn't deep like most guys and mostly well balanced to a point. His silver-blue eyes seeming to hold a gaze of anyone whom looked straight into his eyes. It was obvious he wasn't one to look away when talking to someone. Something caught the corner of his eye and he glanced away momentarily. The black smith seemed to be doing something with one of the weapons in his shop, but it didn't hold his attention for long as he looked back at the girl silently. He patiently waited as he looked to the objects around him. His mind wandered a bit and could feel the change and charge in the air around him. The storm was coming in faster then he thought it would. After this he would have to head to the store soon after he picked up his sword, just to return home so he could wander back to the café in order to schedule his shifts for the week considering this was his only day off. Having to work two different jobs made him weary. So he was glad to at least have one or two days to himself when the job places were having a good time with money. He looked to a girl that was in the shop, the air carrying her words as she spoke about keeping the place clean and if it was hard to do so. He bit back a smirk and chuckle, as he looked at the black smith in silence.
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 11:03 pm

Even in the darkest of times....
The blacksmith just waved the boy's name off before picking up the sword he had been hammering at and putting it into the water. A sharp hiss filled the room before the old man gruffly stated, "Roven."

Reiya glanced at him before sighing softly. She put down what she had in her hands in their correct places before looking at Kuro and stating, "If you would follow me, sir."

She turned and headed into the back room without looking back. She figured that the young man would follow behind her. She moved over towards the table near the furance. She started looking over the swords before her eyes landed on the one she wanted. She picked it up carefully and turned back to the doorway, not noticing the flame that had leapt out of the open hearth and onto her shoulder. The small flame seemed to bury itself into her red hair. It had become a slightly normal occurance for the flame to act like small affectionate children ever since she had started working in the blacksmith shop. The first time it had happened in front of the old man, he had just shaken his head, muttering about crazy brats and strange flames. She had tried to keep the flames from jumping on her and then clinging, but she was only partially successful. It was like the fire had a mind of her own, and she had just seemed to have given up for the most part. It wasn't like it hurt her or burned her clothes, which was strange. She held out the sword and stated, "Here you are, sir. I hope that it is to your acceptance."
A small flame of hope always burns.
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Vampire Duzell Kitty
Vampire Duzell Kitty

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 9:35 pm

He looked to the one the smith spoke to and watched as the girl from before walked over. She told him to follow and he did without a second thought or another word spoken. He watched as a flame suddenly lept forth from the fire and seemed to cuddle close to her. He was curious, but kept his words to himself, knowing that strange things happen to him often as well, so he knew better the to speak out about things, such as this. So as to save the other the trouble of explaining. Kuro looked around the room they entered at the many weapons that lined the walls. Though none caught his attention till she drew it to one inparticulare. When he saw it one could see his expression change to one of awe and fondness. Sorithia hummed to him in complete happiness and Kuro sighed contently as he nodded his head.

"Sorithia," He stated in his soft voice.

Sorithia whispered to him soundlessly to everyone else. He walked over and took the blade into his hand as he looked down at it, before holding it up to inspect it. He gently ran his fingers down the blade checking to see if it had truly been completed fully. His eyes seemed to be able to know what he was looking for. To tell the truth he had learned about swords when his friend Samson was around. Till one day he disappeared without a trace, and Kuro was once again friendless. He chuckled as he heard the sword giggle at his curious eyes. He straightened up and looked to her.

"Who ever fixed her did a wonderful job," he looked back at the sword, "Who fixed it?" He asked when he looked back at her, "I would like to thank them for a fantastic job. Oh.....I almost forgot, how much was it for the repairs?"
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 7:04 pm

Even in the darkest of times....
"The old man out there fixed it. Took him a while, especially the pattern on the blade, but he got it done. Doesn't mean he didn't keep cursing himself blue while doing so," replied Reiya with a joking smile. She moved back over to the table and picked up some of the papers. She flipped through them before withdrawing one sheet and setting the others back down. She turned back to Kuro, holding out the paper and continuing, "Here you are. By the way, where did you find such a blade? It's a beautiful piece of work. One of the best I've seen since working here."

Her eyes flickered to the pattern on the blade as she remarked, "The pattern is just a piece of work on its own. I've never seen something like that design before except in really old books that were about the old kingdoms."
A small flame of hope always burns.
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Vampire Duzell Kitty
Vampire Duzell Kitty

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyFri Mar 25, 2011 9:27 pm

Kuro looked at her as she spoke, "Kinda figures as much. It was almost ruined to the point of being un-repaired. I'm just glad it got fixed and turned out stunningly beautiful like it should be," He chuckled when she'd said how the man had acted about it all, "Guess it was to be expected though."

He gripped the sword to see it's balance, even though he's never wielded a weapon of any kind before. It seemed to feel right in his hands, and it was as light as a feather to him. What he didn't know was the sword was responding to him now that it was whole and it would only work for the one of the kingdom of wind, whether it was cousin or Heir. Which he had no clue he was this said Cousin to the heir of wind. So if someone else were to try and wield it it would feel like they were trying to lift something twice their size. If Kuro were to place the sword tip first on the floor it would be taller then he was by a few inches. He thought back to his studies on swords and took a fighting stance. Another thing his friend had taught him with a wooden stick. He had taught him how to fight and wield weapons, but he lacked experience in battle. He stood straight and sighed, having wondered if he would ever use this magnificent sword.

He nodded and smile slightly, "I actually found it in the attic in my home. It was stunning even when it was broken, so I decided to get it fixed. Pops and mom don't know I even found it or the fact that I'm getting it fixed," He said as he slid the sword into a sheath he had created and placed upon his back. "Anyways, I guess I should be going. I have a busy day ahead of me. Thanks for your help miss....?" He realized he didn't even know her name. He'd thought he'd heard the black smith call her Roven, but he wasn't sure if that was just a nickname or or her real name.
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptySun Mar 27, 2011 11:03 pm

Even in the darkest of times....
Reiya watched Kuro and was surprised slightly by the grace that he had when weilding the sword. 'He has natural talent with a sword,' she thought before smiling as she replied, "Strange place to find a sword, and Reiya. Reiya Roven. It was nice to meet you, sir."

The sound of distant thunder sounded, and the red-head looked at the window and realized that a storm was coming. A shiver ran down her spine, and suddenly she had a bad feeling. She pushed the thought away before looking at Kuro, continuing, "Looks like a storm is coming. You might want to hurry and finish whatever you need to... It looks like it might be a bad one."
A small flame of hope always burns.
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Vampire Duzell Kitty
Vampire Duzell Kitty

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyMon Mar 28, 2011 9:54 pm

"Yes it was an odd place to find it, but I'm happy I had found it. Nice to meet you as well Ms. Roven, my name is Kuro Toshiba," He nodded at her next words, "I thought that this morning as well, the wind hadn't felt well in the least." He flinched slightly revealing a bit to much about his ability with the wind. "Well I should be leaving then, I hope to see you around. Good-bye for now."

Kuro bowed slightly excusing himself before turning on his heels towards the door to go speak with the black smith. When he thanked him, the man seemingly smiled and accepted his thanks, he headed for the door. He looked to the sky and noted the dark luminous clouds over head and he grimaced. He knew he would have to get to the store and fast, so he turned towards the market and sprinted as the wind helped to guide him to his destination in a timely manner. He pulled a list from his pocket and went about looking for the items he needed. Which, no thanks to his mother, was a lot and he had to carry a great number of bags back home. All of which happened to be in paper bags, so he would have to walk home slowly as to not drop anything to damage it. He sighed and payed for the items before he head out of the store, and made his way home.

Kuro looked at the sky as it rained, his mind regarding the angry wind that spoke harshly to his ears. A shiver raced down his spine and lightning clapped over to the east making his skin crawl. Something was wrong and he knew it had yet to show it's self. The winds anger causing shivers to coldly race through every limb of his body. He picked up his pace and made his way up the hill to the small farm land that belonged to the family. The small cottage had seen many years, but he had yet to know that everything he knew would be ripped from his peaceful life since the Dark incident long ago. He had repressed the things that had happened to him long ago. Having had no memory of what had passed all he knew is something terrible had happened to him and all he had to show for it was temporary memory lose and scars that held the dark secrets no one knew of. Kuro slipped in through the door and his mother met him at the door.

"Your boss came by. He said he scheduled you for the same shifts as last time. So you don't have to show up," She said in a sweat motherly voice. He didn't know it at the time, but it would be the last day he would ever see her or hear her voice.

"Oh okay.....then I'll help with pops,"She smiled as she helped him put the groceries away and then made their way to his room to change the linens and his father's sweat coated cloths. His breathing was heavy and raspy showing that he was unwell to an extreme level. His skin paled by lack of sun light. The pigmentation looking somewhat purplish, and his eyes were dulled by the fever giving them a glazed yet dead look to them. When he'd finished his mother told him to go to his room till dinner was ready and he obeyed like he always did. He walked up a spiral stare case that led to the attic which had been converted into his room. He liked it for it was big yet secluded from the rest of the house. Several windows lined the side of the roof giving it a nice look, making light gently flow into the room even if it was dark and gloomy outside. Near one window was his bed, which was small, but he never complained about it. To one corner was a desk which held books strewed a crossed it. To one wall was a radio and a large carpet cover most of the floor, but not all of it. Along the last wall a huge bookshelf covered in many books of different verities that he had memorized due to being bored all the time when he was off work, so he read, sketched or wrote what ever came to mind.
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

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Age : 33

Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 3:01 am

Even in the darkest of times....
Reiya waved after him before starting on her other chores. She still had to finish the paper work, polsihing the other weapons and sharpen her other sword. She sighed before glancing out the window. It had started to rain, and the sky was slowly darkening. Well, there went her hopes of getting home before the rain hit. She growled softly before turning to work with the paperwork. A while later, she had finished both the paperwork and polishing and had started on sharpening her blade. She sat down on one of the stools, pulling a sharpening stone, polishing powder and cloth over to her. She picked up Fira and the stone and started running it over the edge, stopping every now and then to check the blade's edge. Thunder rumbled in the background as the storm began to pick up like a warning to something dark.
A small flame of hope always burns.
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

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Age : 33

Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 3:08 am

Dark lightning flashes....
Kuro's Home And Aera City Ice-1
Ryder Zepher - Lightning General of the Shadow Alliance

Ryder looked down on Aera from the overlooking hill. Around him, his men waited for his command. He turned his horse slightly and looked over his men as rain fell about them. Lightning lit up the sky behind the general before he brought his hand down in a sharp motion, and his men moved silently towards the unknowning city. A few lights were lit in some of the houses, but many were dark. The general felt no remorse as he watched his men break down doors and pull people out. Screams began to sound as the Shadow Forces under the lightning general started their assault like Shadow Keeper Yiro had wanted. No city was allowed to disobey the Shadow Keeper and help the rebels without consquences, and these were the ones that was raining down on Aera. The bluenette slid off his horse before beginning to make his own way down into the town. He needed to find out if anyone of royal blood lived in this small city.

And the storm begins...
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Vampire Duzell Kitty
Vampire Duzell Kitty

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 9:11 pm

Kuro felt restless and found himself pacing his room. The wind was fierce with it's rage and promises of pain and woe. He walked to his book shelf and pulled some important books from hit. Sorithia having told him to do so. He tucked them into a bag along with some other items that would be needed if something were to happen. When he snapped the clasp closed he heard a crashing sound down stairs. Then his mother yelling. He quickly drew his blade and ran to the stairs before he got half way down a ear shattering scream peirced the unmoving air around him. What met his eyes made a shiver race down his spine. There on the floor was his mother with a sword piercing her chest where her precious heart lay. He swallowed thickly and he could feel the rage bubbling in his chest. A rage he thought he'd long forget since his childhood. The soldiers looked to the stairs when he accidentally clinked his sword against the metal railing.

His eyes went wide, "Get him."

Kuro bolted back up the stairs and slamming the bolt on his door to lock. He rushed to his bag and slung it over his shoulder before he threw open one window and climbed the out and onto the roof. He could here the soldires slamming against the door to get in while others ran outside to watch from the ground. Others unslinging the bows and arrows to take aim at him. When the bows were loosed they never once struck him. The wind throwing them off course like a sheild of protection. He was standing unsteadily on the roof when he heard the door give way under the soldiers brutal beatings. The sound of windows being busted rang to his ears as lightning crashed around the sky. Another shiver raced down his spine, unable to know what he should do as the intimidating soldiers clambered up the roof siding towards him. He glanced back when he ran out of roofing. Looking back at the men then at the ground again, he lept off the roof, tucking and rolling a bit. Making his sword slide from his grasp along with his bag. He scrambled to his feet and scooped up the items. He heard yelling and then something lit up the night behind him as the men lept off the roof to follow him. He stopped a bit to look and see what it was. His breath caught as he saw the house slowly going up in flames while it rained relentlessly outside. The pained screams of his dying father eachoing against the night air.

His jaw tightened in anger again and with a curse and vow to avenge them he turned on his heels and fled with the wind as his speed and guide. "I will avenge the mother and father. I promise I will," His eyes were narrowed and focused as the shouts grew distant behind him and muffled to the sounds of the skies cries.

Kuro felt cold inside his mind a blank slate as he stared down at the burning village from his favorite hidding spot in a very large oak tree. His silver-blue eyes glistened with shed tears of pain, that were starting to dry. He had placed his bag in a secret location before coming to that particular spot. The wind and rain rushed about harshly unconsciously he made the wind even harsher.

"They shed needless blood, destroying everything to seek out a hand full of people. And what for? Why us?" Unanswered questions plagued his mind as he lept down from his perch and stalked towards the village.

His pace quickened and as he rounded one corner a soldier almost ran straight into him without looking. Surprise colored the mans face and Kuro plunged his sword into the mans gut. His face shadowed, but his aura exude anger and pain. He wrenched his sword from the man's dying body and kept up his pace. He would help the people in town and kill as many soldiers as he could. He would kill them like they'd killed others. Kuro would show no mercy like they showed his mother no mercy. Which had been an accident, though he didn't know it, yet the burned the house without looking for others whom may have been inside as well. The next soldier that came at him deliberately shouted in anger for his fallen comrade. Their swords clashed and Kuro's felt his arms shake slightly, since he'd never really used a sword before. He could careless at the moment. The swords clashed some more as sparks flew from the harsh blows of both combatants. A fierce growl escaped him and he pushed against his sword knocking the mans sword to the side before spinning quickly to slice his blade across the man gut. To say Kuro was angry was an understatement, But it was expected. He'd been exposed to dark thoughts and actions before, long ago, even if he had no recollection of the things that transpired.
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

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Age : 33

Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyThu Mar 31, 2011 11:06 pm

Even in the darkest of times....
Reiya had just finished sharpening Fira and slipped it into its sheath when the sounds of screams sounded through the night. The red head shot up from the stool, her eyes shooting to the window. The faint red glow that appeared in what had been a dark sky marked the prescence of a fire somewhere in the town. Without thinking about it, she attached both swords to her belt before turning to head out to the front room, but before she could move towards the doorway, the blacksmith came in at a run and slammed the door shut behind him. He bolted it before looking at Reiya, a serious look on his face, and he stated, "You need to get out of the town, brat. Shadow Alliance troops are attacking, and they don't need to capture you."

A confused expression appeared on her face as she hurriedly questioned, "What do you mean? Why are they attacking?"

The old man chuckled as he headed over to one of the tables. He started searching through the drawers as he replied, "They don't stand for people that help the rebels. Don't trust anyone of the Shadows."

He pulled a small satchel out and headed over to the slim woman. He placed a heavy hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eye as he continued, "You're special, Roven, just like that young man from before. You can trust him and those like him, but be wary of all others. Many would like to use those like you for their own goals. Remember that. Now here."

He shoved the stachel into her hands before pushing her towards the backdoor. He grabbed the bag that he had made her leave at the shop in case of emergencies and shoved into her arms also. He pushed open the door and peeked out before shoving Reiya out the door and slamming it behind her. She stared at the door for a moment, her heart wanting to stay and help the old man before her head won out. She put the small bag of coins into her bag before slinging the strap over her shoulder so it rested from one shoulder to the opposite hip. She turned on her heel and took off through the alleys. The small flame from before lighting the way slightly, sheilded from the rain by her hair.
A small flame of hope always burns.
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Vampire Duzell Kitty
Vampire Duzell Kitty

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyMon Apr 04, 2011 9:16 pm

A deep slash across his back made him stumble a bit before he turned and lashed out at the man whom had attacked him. He panted softly as he looked down at his hand after placing it on his back. It was then that he felt Sorithia's hum against his palm. He listened to her soft spoke whispers to him. They were ones of calming and soothing, his heart and mind slowly regained the structure it once had before his enraged soul had taken over. His silver-blue eyes glanced around, noting how most of the town was already destroyed. Even if someone came to save them, what good would it do? Most of everyone he knew was now gone. Either a pile of bleeding limbs and mass of broken bones, or they were ash for the rain to soak into too. After a moments thought, he found he wanted to save what ever was left of that old peaceful city he had grown to love. His mind was not longer in a fog so he could think clearly now. He oddly wondered as to how he had just jumped into the fray last time, but he managed to do the same thing again. He clashed swords with soldiers and he gutted as many as he could take on, but not without gaining some cuts of his own from the battle. His arms felt heavy due to the fact he had never done things like this before and his stamina was dropping sharply as time passed. His breath was heavy and his arms felt like they were sagging and almost jello like. He panted heavily as he lifted his sword to stop a blade from coming straight for his side. He parried it and spun around to slash Sorithia along the soldiers back side. He could feel the anger well up in his heart again, as he battled and thought of the one whom had caused this, yet Sorithia quelled it once more. Her humming soothing that anger once more. He knew by her whispers that he was not ready to face the one whom caused this yet, he needed time and training before he could fully be able to stand up to a skilled one, who was causing this pain and suffering.

Kuro panted as his arms felt like led. He barely had time to lift his blade to block the incoming attack, "Damn....I can't keep this up."

Kuro glanced about, he heard swords every where and Sorithia was humming to him, as was the wind. He knew not what the people around him were saying, every noise blending in and making a confused atmosphere. He felt every muscle burning in his body like it was on fire, and he was tiring quickly. He was unused to this kind of activity. Yes he was a farm boy, but this compared nothing to what he was used too. Suddenly a soldier charged at him and he raised his sword to block. The man moved swiftly and landed a solid blow to Kuro's chest with the hilt of his sword knocking him back into something hard. The sound of his head hitting it was heard clearly. He went limp with exhaustion, and his vision became blurry. His breath felt like it wasn't coming to him for a moment, and the gash on his back burned from sweat and dirt buried in to the wound. Black blurred at the edge of his vision and he felt nauseated. He heard angry word, and then someone yelling. He forced himself to stand, his limbs shaking and protesting to him as he tried too. He looked at the one whom had knocked him down like that and they landed on a man whom looked weary as wind whirled up around like like a protective shield. When the man tried to get close along with a comrade they found themselves stumbling back as the whirl wind shield picked up it's strange. Keeping them well away from the one within.

Kuro panted heavily as he spoke to Sorithia, "how...long...can I....keep this up?...... I feel light headed."

His word almost sounded like a slur as he spoke to her and Sorithia urged him to clear his mind and stay awake. He shook his head slightly to try and clear his rapidly fuzzing thoughts. Which helped and he found that he was slowly becoming more aware of his situation and to things around him again. He knew another powerful blow would definitely, make him pass out fairly quick. He looked around and noted where he was. He was close to the blacksmith's shop, and he started to wonder if the girl had made it out alright. A shiver wracked his body and he felt his muscles spasm as he forced him self to stay standing. The wound was definitely starting to bother him the more he stood there. He felt his strange slowly ebbing away as he felt the warm blood still slowly flowing from the wound, and he wondered if the soldier had reopened the nasty wound that had already been placed upon his back from long ago. He looked to the soldiers as the stared at him patiently, when the one turned away. Probably going to go tell their command or whom ever was in charge at the time.

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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

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Age : 33

Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 9:29 pm

Even in the darkest of times....
Reiya ducked back into the alley as a few soldiers ran by her hiding place. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she heard some of them shouting, "Tell the general we found one of the royals."

Her thoughts raced as she tried to make sense of what they were saying before she decided to head back in the direction that they had been running from. Her steps were light as she ran, ducking and weaving through the familiar pathways of the alleys and side streets. She slowed her pace as she heard the wind howling angrily. That was strange in and of itself. She placed her back to the wall as she moved closer. She peeked around the corner and had to keep from growling. The Shadow Alliance men had surrounded the young man from before surrounded. Her thoughts raced as she tried to figure out how to help him, considering even with the distance between them, she could see that he was injured, and badly at that from the looks of it. She took a deep breath as she reached up, the small flame jumping into her palm. She concentrated for a moment to make the flame grow til it engulfed her hand before she stepped out into the street. The soldiers were too focused on Kuro to notice her, yet anyways, and she used that to her advantage. She brought her hands together, the flame spreading to the unoccupied hand, before she threw them out in a wide arc. The flames jumped from her hands and raced across the ground to form an almost perfect circle around the young man surrounded by wind. The only break was where Reiya stood, and before any of the soldiers could try to get to her, she was already running towards the boy, the flames closing the gap behind her. Shouts of anger and surprise rang through the night from the soldiers as the red head headed towards the hurt boy. Suddenly, the wind slammed into her and tried to push her back, angrily. The fire user hurriedly threw her arms up in front of her face to keep the thrown up dirt from getting into her eyes as she shouted, "Kuro! It's Reiya Roven from the blacksmith's! I want to help you!"
A small flame of hope always burns.
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Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi

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Age : 33

Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 9:42 pm

Dark lightning flashes....

Ryder brought his sword down in an arc, striking the man that had attacked him. It seemed some of the villagers were fighting back, but it wasn't like it would do them much good. None of them were trained fighters like the general or his men. His blank eyes gazed around at the chaos about him before he lifted a hand into the air and brought it down. An arc of lightning shot from the sky to strike one of the houses in reply to the general's command. Some of the soldiers stopped to stare in awe, and the bluenette frowned faintly as he thought, 'Disgusting...'

He hated when the Shadow Keeper assigned new troops to him, but there wasn't much that the general could do about it. He just hoped that the idiots didn't continue to attack like awe-struck children forever. His thoughts were interupted when a soldier came running up to him. The soldier stopped and saluted before stating, "General, sir, we have found one of the royals. A young man with control over the wind itself..."

The soldier trailed off before seeming to shrink into himself as he continued, "Unforunately, some of the soldiers did not realize this, and the boy has been injured..."

Ryder's eyes narrowed as he glared at the soldier, angrily, causing the man to chrink into himself anymore, before the lightning general motioned for him to the lead the way. The soldier nodded sharply before heading back the way he had came, the bluenette trailing behind. The two soon reached the place that the soldier had left the young man to find a woman trying to help the boy while flames stopped the surrounding soldiers from getting close. The general raised an eyebrow in interest as he thought, 'So, the Shadow Keeper was right. Some of the royals were here. One of wind and one of fire. Now, to capture both without killing or injuring them any further.'
And the storm begins...
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Vampire Duzell Kitty
Vampire Duzell Kitty

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Kuro's Home And Aera City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kuro's Home And Aera City   Kuro's Home And Aera City EmptyWed Apr 06, 2011 12:10 am

Kuro jumped slightly and hissed in pain when fire rushed up and around the wind like dome. His eyes tiredly and lazily looked over the men before him, he hadn't realized he was surrounded. Had he been spacing out? If so then that wasn't a good sign in the least. His head snapped into the direction of shouts and acclamations, one's that were loud and surprised. When he heard a female voice he recognized he looked over to it. There was the girl he'd met at the black smith's shop, he quickly adjusted the winds swift anger and surrounded her into his protective shield. He panted softly as his limbs shook with effort of support and he wavered a bit. A shiver racing down his spine in warning. Sorithia was humming loudly now at him, trying to tell him to stop and hand himself over. The blade only wanting his safety, and she felt that they wouldn't hurt him any longer. Having found out whom he was, but he ignored her not in the least bit trusting of the men whom had destroyed the place he'd called home.

"Sorry....about that....miss Roven," He said in a husky and tired voice, "We....should be safe....for the time...being."

His hands were shaking and he felt his vision blur again, and he shook his head slightly to clear it. When it didn't work he closed his eyes and just concentrated on keeping the barrier up. His face was covered in sweat and dirt and ash clung to his skin like a bad rash. His wounds burned and stung as though acid had been eating at his skin. He opened his eyes slightly and glanced over at Reiya. He glanced up and over till something caught his eyes. A strange bluenette stood back behind the soldiers, something told him he was the man in charge. Yet he couldn't even find himself to be angry at the moment. Emotionally and physically drained he found himself just plain out tired. He looked down at the ground before his eyes closed and he panted softly.

"Miss Roven.... If anything should happen to me.....I want you to run...." He opened his eyes and panted softly as he looked to her, "Please, for I will be .....unable to aid you if.... I pass out."

He coughed slightly as he looked back up at the men outside his dome like wind. One of the soldiers found the wind was feeding the fire, giving it the strength to burn almost like a wild fire. It helped a bit for his ever ebbing strength was wavering in and out and each time it did, it gave him a bit of a break, but when he saw people trying to approach again the whirl wind picked right back up. His silver-blue eyes looked to Reiya and he gave a half smile in reassurance before his gaze turned back to the soldiers with a cold even stare. The stare seemed empty and uncaring for the men before him, as usual look that showed he had suffered a great lose and closed himself off to people. This was a part of his darker side, from long ago.
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